
tudo aquilo que gostava de ser e de não esquecer durante o dia...

Monday, June 26, 2006

Will you remember me?

They'll throw opinions like rocks in riots
And they'll stumble around like hypocrites
and is it just me or is it dark in here?
Well you may never be or have a husband,
you may never have or hold a child.
You will learn to lose everything,
we are temporary arrangements.
And may god bless you in your travels in your conquests and queries...
Alanis Morissette - No Pressure Over Cappuccino

Wednesday, June 21, 2006


If I could tear you from the ceiling,
And guarantee a source divine,
Rid you off possessions fleeting,
Remain your funny valentine.
Don't go and leave me,
And please don't drive me blind,
Don't go and leave me,
And please don't drive me blind.
If I could tear you from the ceiling,
I know the best have tried,
I'd fill your every breath with meaning,
And find a place we both could hide.
Don't go and leave me,
And please don't drive me blind,
Don't go and leave me,
And please don't drive me blind.
You don't believe me, but you do this every time,
Please don't drive me blind.
Please don't drive me blind..
I know we're broken,
I know we're broken,
I know we're broken.
If I could tear you from the ceiling,
I'd freeze us both in time,
Find a brand new way of seeing..
Your eyes forever glued to mine.
Don't go and leave me,
And please don't drive me blind,
Don't go and leave me,
And please don't drive me blind.
Don't go and leave me,
And please don't drive me blind,
Don't go and leave me,
And please don't drive me blind.
I know I broke it,
I know I broke it,
I know I broke it,
I know I broke it.

Monday, June 12, 2006

Para ti...

O que se publica é para que alguém, ao sabê-lo, viva sabendo-o, para que viva de outro modo depois de o ter sabido.
María Zambrano

Monday, June 05, 2006

If I had you...

If I were a king
If I had everything
If I had you and I could give you your dreams
If I were giant-sized, on top of it all
Then tell me what in the world would I go on for
If I had it all
If I had it all,
you know
I'd fuck it up

Wishing Something

I tried to kill those ghosts inside of me
The voice you spoke is yellin' in my head
And I don't believe in love fools
I'd like to have those eyes you want to kiss (Wishing something)
I wish I have that voice you want to hear (I believe in)
And I don't believe in love fools (Do you feel something?)
This feeling is so hide that I can't breathe (Wishing something)
I wish you touch my hair when I'm asleep (And I don't know)
And I don't believe in love fools (Tired of this)
Was your road I put in me away? (Tired of that)
I know that love was for somebody else (Me, Myself and I)
You and I know
You and I tried
You and I run
Leaving those stories far behind
And it feels so good
And it's so warm
Having those eyes
Playing with Me, Myself and I

Thursday, June 01, 2006

Come back one day...!

Harold Harvey

Poupa as tuas palavras, guarda as melhores para o fim como o bocado num prato. Qual a última de que te vais servir? Não a imaginas. Mas a última que disseres ou pensares deve resumir-te a vida toda. Vê se a escolhes bem para remate do que construíres. Quando olhas para uma catedral o que fitas mais intensamente é o cimo das torres.

Vergílio Ferreira